Top Winter Garden Tasks for a Healthy Spring Garden

Winterizing Your Raised Garden Beds: Tips for a Healthy Spring Start

Evergreen Plants to Add Winter Beauty and Structure to Your Garden

Winter Greenhouses: Setting Up and Maintaining a Cold-Weather Greenhouse

How to Properly Store Potable Drinking Water

It is provident living to have potable water storage. After all, you will need more water than food when it comes to sustaining life. Treatment of Potable Water Storage The following are basic guidelines for treating potable water for storage: 5% Sodium Hypochlorite (Household Bleach) One-half teaspoon of bleach per one gallon of water (equivalent…

Tips and Tricks to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Garden

Attracting hummingbirds invites pollinators to your garden. They are small, agile, quiet, brave, colorful pollinators that are gentle on crops and domestic animals. Hummingbirds have almost worldwide acceptance among humans. When attracting hummingbirds, remember also to protect them! Know the Background! There are about 340 hummingbird species. Hummingbirds can weigh from .06 to 0.85 ounces,…

How to Attract and Protect Pollinators

Pollinators are very important to successful gardening. They are a blessing and a necessity in nature for the survival of plants and the yield of bounteous crops. Pollinators are plants’ natural allies! The Process Pollinators transfer pollen from a stamen to a pistil that fertilizes the flower. Pollen attaches itself to most successful pollinators, making…

How to Grow Bee Balm

Bee balm, of the genus Monarda, can grow as tall as three feet and has low maintenance needs. Bee balm’s tubular flowers have varied colors. The wild variety has hues ranging from light purple, crimson, pink, lavender, and lilac. The crossbreeds and cultivars, which are diminutive compared to the wild bee balm, have colors of…

How to Grow Blueberry Bushes

Blueberry bushes need to be established before you allow them to bear fruit. In the spring, promote root and vegetative maturity by taking out all flower clusters. On the second year, allow a few flower clusters to remain so that you can have some fruit in the third year. In their fourth or fifth year,…

How to Grow Calla Lilies

Think of wedding bouquets and flower arrangements, and you will usually see calla lilies. White is the common color. Colored hybrids are available in pink, yellow, orange, green, and purple. There are also dwarf varieties, among them Little Gem and Childsiana. Calla lilies’ need for sun rays varies from full to partial sun, depending on…