Top Winter Garden Tasks for a Healthy Spring Garden

Winterizing Your Raised Garden Beds: Tips for a Healthy Spring Start

Evergreen Plants to Add Winter Beauty and Structure to Your Garden

Winter Greenhouses: Setting Up and Maintaining a Cold-Weather Greenhouse

A List of the Most Common Poisonous Plants

This information on poisonous plants is from a leaflet published by the Utah Poison Control Center (UPCC). The UPCC is a 24-hour resource for poison information, clinical toxicology consultation, and poison prevention education. The UPCC is a program of the University of Utah, College of Pharmacy. It is staffed 24 hours a day with registered…

How to Grow Vegetables in Containers

Container vegetable gardening is quite possible whether you have all the ground at your disposal or you have limited space. Most plants do well in containers, just pay attention to the dwarf and bush varieties. Think carrots, chives, lettuce, parsley, peppers, radishes, or tomatoes, to name just a few – they are simply perfect for container vegetable gardening. What…

How to Grow Strawberries

When planting strawberries, you can cultivate them not just for food. They also make good groundcover and as ornamental plants. Types of Strawberry Plants There are three choices: June Bearing, Everbearing, and Day Neutral. The selection for each category of strawberries is growing. Ask your local nursery for recommendation which variety is best for your…

How to Grow Tulips in Containers

Planting tulips in containers allow you to grow them all year round. You may also find it easier than sowing them the regular way. So go ahead and choose a decorative flowerpot to complement your personality, get some dormant bulbs and potting soil, and start planting! Procedure for Planting Tulips in Containers When selecting your tulip bulbs…

How to Grow Garlic

When planting garlic, know your climate unless you are willing to wait several years until your chosen variety adapts to your location. Each clove you plant functions as a seed, and will produce one plant with one bulb. This bulb may produce up to twenty cloves. Garlic is of the allium family. From this family…

How to Make and Use Compost Tea

If you want to improve your soil, learn how to make aerobic compost tea, meaning with oxygen, and use it regularly. It is an effective system, and is safe for your family and pets. You can use compost tea as either a foliar spray or as a soil drench. Materials You Need for Making Compost…