Top Winter Garden Tasks for a Healthy Spring Garden

Winterizing Your Raised Garden Beds: Tips for a Healthy Spring Start

Evergreen Plants to Add Winter Beauty and Structure to Your Garden

Winter Greenhouses: Setting Up and Maintaining a Cold-Weather Greenhouse

How to Grow Eggplant

When growing eggplant, you will learn fast that it wants sunshine and a moist medium. Neglect its watering requirement, and it will give you small, bitter produce. Go for the drip irrigation approach, and you will fare better. The eggplant is from the same family as the pepper and the tomato. It is an excellent source of…

How to Grow Herbs Indoors

Growing herbs indoor makes it possible for you to enjoy them all year round. The indoor herbs’ requirements are basically the same as those grown outdoors. You need at least six hours of direct sunlight and a moderately rich well-drained soil. For growing herbs indoor that require more lighting than your condition provides, use grow…

How to Grow Potatoes

If you want success growing potatoes, you should use only certified disease-free seed potatoes from reputable garden centers. They are normally available during spring planting time. Avoid the temptation of saving a bag of potatoes you purchased from a grocery store intending to use them for the next planting season. If you insist, however, at least…

A Beginner’s Guide to Greenhouse Gardening

If you are for continuous harvest and protection to frost-sensitive plants during the winter months, greenhouse gardening may be what you need. The Ideal Site greenhouse gardening necessitates a good location, just as in other types of gardening. An ideal site is one that is level, is near to your home, has a simple access to it,…

How to Deal with Grasshoppers in Your Garden

Grasshopper control is difficult as the grasshoppers are quite mobile. Although some species of grasshoppers do not feed on garden plants, many species do. They eat vegetable plants, flowers, and grass, and most anything. You will observe that your problems with grasshoppers mount in the early summer. Migratory grasshoppers do the most damage to crops.…

How to Grow Rhubarb

Growing rhubarb, when done properly, will ensure production for up to 15 years. It is a perennial, cool season plant that belongs to the vegetable family. It is quite winter hardy and is resistant to pest, disease, and drought. Rhubarb is an excellent source of vitamin C and dietary fiber. Do not eat the roots and leaves of the…