Top Winter Garden Tasks for a Healthy Spring Garden

Winterizing Your Raised Garden Beds: Tips for a Healthy Spring Start

Evergreen Plants to Add Winter Beauty and Structure to Your Garden

Winter Greenhouses: Setting Up and Maintaining a Cold-Weather Greenhouse

How to Make Homemade Lye Soap

The modern homemade lye soap is not the dated Grandma’s lye soap that was heavy and harsh. What more, you need not use lard as the key ingredient for homemade lye soap. You can use sunflower or canola, or other oils. Using oil will make your soap greasier than if you use lard, but it…

Getting Started With Cold Frame Gardening

Cold frame gardening allows you to have homegrown fresh green salads even during the winter months. You can easily create a structure even without experience. Structure and Cold Frame Gardening When cold frame gardening, you can build your structure as inexpensively as possible.  If you have an old glass door frame or a window sash,…

A Beginner’s Guide to Herb Gardening

Although herb gardening is quite feasible even for beginning gardeners, you will need to know something about herbs. So, do a little investigating. Are they biennials (two-year life cycle) or annuals? Will they transplant well? Which of them can tolerate shade? If you are not growing them yourself, do you buy seeds, seedlings or plants?…

A Guide to Getting Started with Winter Gardening

Winter gardening preparation means planning what plants and when to grow them so that you can have both color and beauty and some fresh vegetables all year round. Gardening Zone If you want a winter garden, you need to know your gardening zone. That means that when planning your vegetables, shrubs, trees, and other garden…

Winterizing Plants: How to Help Your Plants Survive Until Spring

Winterizing plants start with knowing the climate in your area. Cooperate with Mother Nature, know the needs of your plants, and you can have more success in helping them endure through the winter. Plant Hardiness Zone Maps When consulting plant hardiness zone maps, as in the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map, realize that their figures…

How to Get Started With Balcony Gardening

With balcony gardening, you will have to think vertical. This means growing plants upward and downward, whilst minding weight restrictions, weather exposure, irrigation, and drainage. Basic garden rules as planting depth, plant compatibility, pest control, etc., all apply. Balcony Gardening and Vertical Planting         You can effectively use your limited space for deck or balcony gardening…