180 Container Gardening Ideas and Inspiration

5 Best Plants For Privacy in Your Yard

7 Plants That Thrive In The Shade

100 Garden Pathway Ideas and Inspiration

How to Sprout Seeds

Sprouting seeds is an inexpensive and enjoyable way to add nutrition to your meals.  The process of sprouting turns the seeds into vegetables and pack them with enhanced nutrition. As the nutrients increase, the toxins and enzyme inhibitors likewise decrease. Provide the seeds with the proper atmosphere, moisture, and air and your seeds become transformed! On…

Vertical Gardening 101: The Basics

With vertical gardening you can make beneficial whatever limited space you might have. Work with Mother Nature, use sturdy structure and support, and you can do vertical gardening with almost any plant! Also, remember that your creativity is a very big plus! The Basics Vertical gardening simply means to grow your plants in an upward…

How to Grow Spring Bulbs

Plant your spring bulbs abundantly in the fall, and you can have a beautiful display come spring. There is a wide variety of spring bulbs. The available shapes, sizes, and colors will simply delight you! The Big Three The tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths are very big on spring colors. There are wide varieties of tulips.…

Essential Thunderstorm Safety Tips

The information below on thunderstorms is through the courtesy of the Hyrum 9th Ward, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Hyrum, Utah. Thunderstorms are very common and affect great numbers of people each year. Despite their small size in comparison to hurricanes and winter storms, all thunderstorms are dangerous. Why Thunderstorms are Dangerous…

How to Get Rid of Spider Mites

Spider mites live in colonies, numbering hundreds per unit. You can find them usually under the leaves. There is no need to identify what specie of spider mites is invading your garden. The damage any specie of spider mites cause and their management will be the same. Open Invitation for Spider Mites If you have…

How to Grow Tamarind Trees

The tamarind tree is native to Africa, is from the bean and pea family, and is grown both as a fruit and shade tree. Its yellow-orange flowers are quite attractive. The tamarind tree grows well in semi-dry tropical climate as well as in humid tropical areas. It can develop up to 25m tall, with 3”…