
A Guide to Getting Started with Winter Gardening

Winter gardening preparation means planning what plants and when to grow them so that you can have both color and beauty and some fresh vegetables all year round. Gardening Zone If you want a winter garden, you need to know your gardening zone. That means that when planning your vegetables, shrubs, trees, and other garden…

Winterizing Plants: How to Help Your Plants Survive Until Spring

Winterizing plants start with knowing the climate in your area. Cooperate with Mother Nature, know the needs of your plants, and you can have more success in helping them endure through the winter. Plant Hardiness Zone Maps When consulting plant hardiness zone maps, as in the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map, realize that their figures…

How to Get Started With Balcony Gardening

With balcony gardening, you will have to think vertical. This means growing plants upward and downward, whilst minding weight restrictions, weather exposure, irrigation, and drainage. Basic garden rules as planting depth, plant compatibility, pest control, etc., all apply. Balcony Gardening and Vertical Planting         You can effectively use your limited space for deck or balcony gardening…

4 Ways to Cook Spaghetti Squash

If you want an excellent substitute for potatoes, pasta, or rice that has fewer calories, learn about cooking spaghetti squash. Cooked, it looks like vermicelli or thin spaghetti. Based on a 2,000-calorie diet, one cup equals about 40 calories with 2 g of fiber. Procedure for Cooking Spaghetti Squash Choose firm spaghetti squash with no…

7 Types of Natural Fertilizer Your Plants Will Love!

Successful gardening commences and ends with clean, healthy soil. Test it for nutrient content, alkalinity, acidity, and pH levels as part of your pre-planning. Add natural fertilizers per the soil report, and you have the perfect aid for harvesting healthy and delicious fruits and vegetables. Acid-Loving Plants If cultivating acid-loving plants like gardenias or rhododendrons, your soil pH…

How to Grow Zinnias

If you are for garden pollinators, plant zinnias! They are garden flowers well-known for their striking hues: lilac, orange, red, chartreuse, white, yellow, and purple. Bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds love them! The zinnias are available in different varieties and you can choose the size and colors that will best fit your personality and garden. The miniature ones are…

How to Get Rid of Slugs in Your Garden

Slugs in the garden can kill your plants. They are hermaphrodites. They can reproduce without mating and lay up to three dozen eggs several times a year. They hatch in just two to four weeks and reach adulthood in about six weeks. Some species of slugs in the garden can live up to four years.…

How to Grow Yucca Plants

Yucca plants make nice borders. They look beautiful in gardens, are easy to transplant, and have medicinal value. Most of the yucca parts are edible including the roots, seeds, fruits and flowers. Background Yucca planting is popular in arid Southwest environments, but it is also used in landscaping in all climates.  Yucca plants comprise of…

Apartment Gardening 101

Apartment Gardening — your little space goes a long way! From herbs to vegetables, from flowers to cacti, there is something for everyone. Location As with other types of plant cultivation, your location for apartment gardening is of prime importance. If you have limited moving room, take advantage of your windowsills. Vertical gardening does wonders…

How to Use Worm Composting for Nutrient-Rich, Natural Fertilizer

Worm composting is the method of utilizing worms into turning food scraps and other organic matter they eat into “vermicompost.” The entire process is called vermin-composting or vermi-culture. Bacteria is also a vital element for the decomposition process of the vermicompost. The end product is a nutrient-rich, soil conditioner and natural fertilizer. Additionally, worm composting…