
How to Grow Snapdragons

Snapdragons are self-sowing annuals that have tiny blossoms with dragon-like mouth that the children enjoy to open and close. The dwarf varieties can reach up to ten inches and are good for edgings and borders. The taller ones grow to about two feet and are good for cut flower arrangements and for planting behind flower…

How to Grow Wheatgrass

Grow your own wheatgrass in containers and you can likewise make your own wheatgrass juice. Actually, you can use it as food or as drink and the health benefits are numerous. Growing Wheatgrass in Containers If you are a beginning wheatgrass gardener, it is best if you choose containers with good drainage holes. Once you have learned…

How to Properly Sterilize Potting Soil

Pathogen-free soils are available in garden centers, but sterilizing potting soil will help assure you of safe, chemical-free mixes for your plants. Clean everything associated with sterilizing potting soil before and after treatment. Your purpose is to kill contaminants and to avoid re-infection. Remove any large pieces and debris prior to sterilization. Sterilizing potting soil…

How to Start a Water Conservation Garden

A water conservation garden helps us all toward improving our economy. Everyone can conserve water, and we must do our best to do so. Container Plants As important as keeping your plants healthy by not over irrigating is the water you conserve by watering properly. A water conservation garden is also for container plants. Container…

How to Grow and Care For Banana Trees

Banana tree care is pretty much the same, whether you are in cold climate or warm climate. The difference is that with cold climates, you have a little bit more work to do. You can grow them whether indoor or outdoor. Some banana trees, like the Basjoo variety, do not bear fruit. Cultivation Care Care…

How to Grow Virginia Creeper

The Virginia creeper is a woody vine that normally climbs up trees, fences, or what have you, and can also be used as a ground cover. In the latter instance, the Virginia creeper helps control soil erosion. However, the Virginia creeper can smother other plants and insert tendrils into any loose space in your windows,…

How to Grow and Care For Irish Moss

If you want a beautiful carpet-like ground cover for your rock garden or around stepping stones, try Irish moss. It is sometimes called Scotch moss and, although not really a moss, it is formed in a tight mound like moss. They have lime-green tiny leaves with small white or pink flowers that bloom in the summer.…

Vertical Aeroponic Gardening 101: The Basics

Vertical aeroponic (air for “aero” and work for “ponic”) planting is basically a medium-less hydroponic system, but in a vertical fashion. It means growing plants all year round in vertical containers, in mid-air, without soil, utilizing very rich nutrient solutions for moisture. In a Nutshell The aeroponic planting method operates under a closed or semi-closed setting. The…

How to Sprout Seeds

Sprouting seeds is an inexpensive and enjoyable way to add nutrition to your meals.  The process of sprouting turns the seeds into vegetables and pack them with enhanced nutrition. As the nutrients increase, the toxins and enzyme inhibitors likewise decrease. Provide the seeds with the proper atmosphere, moisture, and air and your seeds become transformed! On…

Vertical Gardening 101: The Basics

With vertical gardening you can make beneficial whatever limited space you might have. Work with Mother Nature, use sturdy structure and support, and you can do vertical gardening with almost any plant! Also, remember that your creativity is a very big plus! The Basics Vertical gardening simply means to grow your plants in an upward…